What is PravENAC™?
PravENAC™ is our unique formulation containing a natural milk protein, rich in bioactive lactoferrin. Lactoferrin has been clinically proven to help reduce acne blemishes and help you maintain a healthy, clearer complexion.
So, how does it all work?
Lactoferrin works in two ways. Firstly, it inhibits the growth of the propionibacterium, a type of bacteria that is present on most people's skin and one of the causes of acne. By stopping the growth of this bacteria, lactoferrin reduces the number of new skin blemishes forming. Secondly its anti-inflammatory properties mean that the size of spots is reduced and blemishes heal quicker resulting in a smoother complexion.
What scientific evidence exists to prove help: clear skin is an effective spot treatment?
The effects of supplementing your diet with lactoferrin have been proven in several studies with teenagers, with an average decrease of complexion blemishes of 71% after one month and 95% after two months.
Is PravENAC™ still effective once in water, other beverages or soft foods?
Pravenac™ is a water soluble milk protein complex which means that it can be dissolved in water, beverages or soft foods whilst still being just as effective. This means you can pop help: clear skin in your favourite hot and cold drinks, juices, smoothies and even soups!
Can the ingredients in help: clear skin help with acne scarring?
Yes, help: clear skin is formulated with all natural ingredients that can help repair damaged cells caused by spots and blemishes.
Is help: clear skin a cure for acne?
Using help: clear skin every day as part of your skincare regime will help reduce the bacteria associated with skin blemishes through its antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Positive results are usually seen in as little as 4-6 weeks but you will have to keep taking help: clear skin to continue to maintain a healthy, spot-free complexion.
Lactoferrin is derived from milk, doesn’t milk cause acne?
The link between milk and acne is in its early stages but it is thought that the natural hormones contained within milk, which are similar to those produced during the teenage years, are what can cause acne.
Lactoferrin is a protein that has been derived from the milk, but it has been processed to such a degree that it no longer contains hormones.
I have a milk allergy. Can I still take help: clear skin?
Most milk allergies are caused by milk proteins, essentially the milk whey and casein. Although lactoferrin is not exactly milk whey and casein, it is made up of its components which means, to be on the safe side, we say that help: clear skin is not suitable for people with milk allergies.
However, Lactose (milk sugar) intolerance is a much bigger issue and most people confuse lactose intolerance with milk allergies. PravENAC™ does not contain any lactose, so help: clear skin is suitable for anyone lactose intolerant.
How many sachets of help: clear skin do I need to take every day to see a difference?
In clinical trials, participants took 100mg and 200mg of lactoferrin each day. help: clear skin contains 200mg of lactoferrin in each sachet so you need to consume 1 sachet every day to see the same effects.
What other ingredients are in help: clear skin?
High Extract Aloe Vera which has a smoothing and nourishing effect on the skin.
Zinc Gluconate which is important for protein synthesis and to support immune function.
Oligofructose which is a natural source of soluble fibre derived from the chicory root. Upping your fibre intake enables your body to get rid of toxins that negatively affect skin.
Does help: clear skin contain preservatives?
No. help: clear skin is completely preservative free.
How many calories in each sachet serving?
Only 5 calories per 3.5g serving.
Can I take help: clear skin if I am diabetic?
help: clear skin contains no flavourings or sweeteners so is completely safe to consume if you are diabetic.
Can I take help: clear skin if I am pregnant?
As with any dietary supplement product, it is important to consult a healthcare professional before use if you are pregnant or nursing.
Is help: clear skin effective against hormonal acne?
Our unique formula PravENAC™ has no specific effect on hormone induced acne. It works in essentially 3 ways - put simply these are:
1. Limiting of the growth of the acne bacteria.
2. Reducing the blemishes associated with acne.
3. Helping repair damaged skin cells caused by blemishes.
Hormone associated acne is caused by hormonal imbalances due to high levels of androgens and testosterone - a condition that can only be treated medically.
However, one of the side effects of the hormonal imbalance is an increase in oily skin which unfortunately is a good breeding ground for bacteria which can amplify the underlying effects.
PravENAC™ will have an effect on helping reduce oiliness and will therefore still have a benefit... and can be of benefit in helping repair damaged skin cells caused by blemishes.
How soon should I begin to see an improvement in my skin?
Taking 1 sachet of help: clear skin everyday, you should begin to see a significant improvement within 4-6 weeks.
Will I be completely acne free eventually?
Although we cannot guarantee that you will be acne free, clinical trials on lactoferrin show that you are statistically likely to see a significant reduction in blemishes.
Are there any side effects associated with help: clear skin?
There are no side effects associated with help: clear skin or any of its ingredients. However, if you generally consume a diet high in fibre, you may experience a slight bloating effect due to the fibre content. Remember, Oligofructose is a natural soluble fibre – so an added benefit if you struggle to maintain the recommended level of fibre in your daily diet.
Can help: clear skin aid Psoriasis?
During the past 15 years there has been strong evidence due to some well conducted studies indicating that Aloe Vera is a proven natural cure for psoriasis.
Aloe Vera extract is a wonderful natural ingredient that has antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. The inner leaf gel of the Aloe Vera plant inhibits streptococcus bacteria (strep), meaning that when eaten it is particularly effective in supporting digestion and detoxification. Aloe Vera, with its abundance of helpful applications, helps reduce inflammation, addresses pathogens and restores balanced bowel function. Many believe Aloe Vera may play a crucial role in the prevention of illnesses that may usher in psoriasis outbreaks.
Is the Lacoferrin in help: clear skin free from BSE/TSE?
The milk used in the production of the lactoferrin is sourced solely from Australian and New Zealand accredited herds which are fully free from BSE/TSE risks - this grade of lactoferrin is so pure that it is currently used in infant formula and therefore produced under the strictest standards in the global food industry.