Metacleanse is a revolutionary new detox system - the perfect way to kick start a weight loss programme
Why Choose MetaCleanse?
- Is NOT just a 3 day detox with short lived results!
- A unique detox process of 3 day intensive course followed by a further month course that helps maintain results
- Every 2 capsules contain equivalent of 6000ml of fresh Aloe Vera juice for optimal detox benefits
- Formulation helps maintain a healthy digestive tract for regularity
- Results include weight loss, improved skin condition, increased energy and feeling great!
- Contains patented ingredient NutraActive - a unique blend of enzymes to help aid absorption and effectiveness of MetaCleanse
What Is MetaCleanse?
How MetaCleanse Can Help You!
Toxins can affect the body's metabolism, immune system, even behaviour so it's important to eradicate them before the effects take hold. A slow metabolism can lead to weight gain. A good detox supplement like Metacleanse can remove built up stored waste in and around the colon, which can result in weight loss!
Detoxing helps remove free radicals that can cause premature ageing enabling skin to look healthier, nourished as well as more youthful.
After Metacleanse the body will feel more mentally, physically and emotionally energised. Many have reported they sleep better also.
By eliminating the toxins, the body's immune system is able to function normally enabling the body to fight off infections.
Overloaded systems such as digestive, hormonal and nervous systems do not work as well when they are overloaded with toxins, by cleansing the body they are able to function normally and feel great!
- Weight loss
- Improved skin condition
- Increased energy
- Improved immune system function
- Restore balance to the body's systems
What to Expect
Everyone varies in the way they react and it really depends on how toxic or healthy someone is. For complete beginners your symptoms may be greater but it really does vary from person to person.
Day 1- 3
You may feel tired and need to rest. Go to bed early and rest as much as you can. Your skin may break out, but this will disappear quickly over a few days and some may get a slight headache.
Day 4 - 7
You should feel more energetic and your skin will look clear and glowing. Your sleep and mood should be improved. You may have even lost a few pounds.
Day 8 - 10
You should look and feel great. Full of energy, glowing skin and shiny hair. A clear mind, improved digestion and a flat tummy will make you feel rejuvenated.
Day 11 onwards
Results are maintained, not short-lived, leaving you feeling revitalised, energised, a few more pounds lighter and with a heightened sense of your overall wellbeing.
The Science behind Aloe Vera
For over 30 years researchers have recognised the benefits this one plant has upon the body but its historical reputation astounds us. Not only is it said that Egyptian queens Nerfertiti and Cleopatra used it as part of their regular beauty regimes but purportedly Alexander the Great in 333 B.C. captured the Island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean for its famed Aloe supplies, to treat his wounded soldiers. Believe what you will. Aloe Vera first came to London through traders in 1693 and by 1843 huge amounts were being imported to make up into medicines. Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries Aloe Vera was one of the main prescribed and over-the-counter medicine.
More recently in 1985 Bland et al conducted a study published in Prevention Magazine titled 'Effect of Orally Consumed Aloe Vera Juice in Gastrointestinal Function in Normal Humans' whereby he tested the effects of Aloe Vera on humans. His results showed that: