Eating well is all about staying healthy and looking good. It isn’t about starving yourself or depriving yourself of your favourite foods. Rather, it’s about having great energy, feeling great and keeping yourself healthy by learning some nutrition basics and sticking to them in a way that works for you. It is important to maintain a healthy weight and maintain sufficient energy levels.
Eating well is all about staying healthy and looking good. It isn't about starving yourself or depriving yourself of your favourite foods. Rather, it's about having great energy, feeling great and keeping yourself healthy by learning some nutrition basics and sticking to them in a way that works for you. It is important to maintain a healthy weight and maintain sufficient energy levels.
A Healthy Diet is Best
Your diet should comprise of essential fatty acids, which cannot be made within your body. A healthy diet typically comprises of five portions of green leafy vegetables and two portions of fruit each day. Your meal should include protein in the form of fish, meat, eggs, nuts, seeds and beans. It is important to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and flush out toxins from the body. Dehydration causes tiredness, fatigue, headaches and low energy. By making healthier food choices and drinking lots of water you will help your body to function at its optimum best. Consuming high quantities of caffeine may be responsible for causing dehydration, therefore it is crucial to reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol which also causes dehyration.
Snacking Isn't Good
Snacking may provide a quick boost to the drooping energy levels between meals; however, this will only be a temporary energy surge which won't do you much good. Rather, this may mask a bigger problem with your glucose balance. Consuming good portions of protein in your diet can help you with a steady release of glucose into the blood.
Processed Foods Aren't Good Choices
Try to reduce your intake of processed foods despite the temptations because these are deficient in basic nutrients, which are necessary in supporting the different systems of the body. Instead make green leafy vegetables and fruits an inseparable part of your healthy diet. Since fruits and vegetables are low in calories and don't add to your weight, these are healthy food choices. Broccoli, kale, Chinese cabbage and mustard greens are packed with iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, potassium and vitamins A, C, E, and K.
Excess consumption of sugar can lead to health and weight problems. Avoid sugary drinks. Eat naturally sweet food, including peppers, fruit or natural peanut butter if you have a sweet tooth.
Good sources of healthy fat are required for heart, brain, and cells. Healthy fat nourishes nails, skin and hair. Foods rich in omega-3 fats help in reducing inflammation and cardiovascular disease, preventing dementia and keep blood from clotting and lifting your mood. The lack of omega 3 in your diet poses a risk of type 2 diabetes, depression, fatigue, cardiovascular disease, itchy skin, joint pain, problems with concentration and brittle hair and nails.
Walnuts, flax seeds, salmon and sardines are rich sources of omega 3 fatty acids.